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Solving Puzzles with Minervans

My interest in the Minerva University began in 2021, when two young men exploring the city walked into Clarion looking for something unusual and interesting. Conversation ensued and one of them (TsaTsa) ended up working as my assistant. TsaTsa has gone back to Mongolia and started his career in drama therapy for high school students. I have developed a further relationship with Minerva University, becoming one of their partners in the Civic Engagement program.

ART-Z was the name of the team that comprised of six freshmen from Egypt, Nigeria, Germany, Vietnam, Georgia and the United States. Their project was to help me understand the power of social media (in this case, the Instagram) and how to use it to Clarion's benefit. The team did research and tests, and put together a manual of how-to-do-it. They gave me the tool to understand this fast-paced technology and how to dive into the trend and get results.

Yesterday was their final presentation to the University and the partners. The entire freshmen classes presented 17 civic projects. I gave ART-Z a thank you gift. It was a six-word poem, and each member has one word. This is how I'd like to remember them:

Brilliant / Stars / Immense / Potential / the World / Smiles

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